Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Golden Yellow Blooms, Forsythia

Origin and variegated

Forsythia also known Golden Bell
Forsythia is a plant species of the genus of Flowering Plants included in the family Oleaceae (olive family). This plant originates from China, was first discovered by a great plant hunters in the 16th century, Robert Fortune who came from Scotland. First the plant is known by the name Circa 1814 but was later renamed in honor of William Forysth Forsythia an English botanist who first developed it in English.

Forsythia in Chinese is called Lian Qiao also known as the "Golden bell" because of the shape and color of flowers that resembles a bell. Forsythia is a hardy type plant to grow around in worldwide. In China, Forsythia is found only in the provinces of Shanxi, Henan and Gansu. Other areas are being found in the region including the Balkans (Albania), Japan and Korea. The name also varied depending on each region where it growth. Among them there are several species of Forsythia, namely:
  • Forsythia europaea Degen & Bald. Balkans in Albania and Serbia.
  • Forsythia giraldiana Lingelsh. Northwest China.
  • Forsythia japonica Makino. Japan.
  • Forsythia likiangensis Ching & Feng ex P.Y.Bai. Southwest China.
  • Forsythia mandschurica Uyeki. Northeast China.
  • Forsythia mira M.C.Chang. North central China.
  • Forsythia koreana (Nakai) T.B.Lee. Korea.
  • Forsythia ovata Nakai. Korea.
  • Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl. Eastern and central China.(Chinese: 连翘)
  • Forsythia togashii H.Hara. Japan (Shōdoshima).
  • Forsythia viridissima Lindley. Eastern China.
·         Forsythia × intermedia. Garden hybrid between F. suspensa and F. viridissima.


Forsythia including deciduous shrubs typically growing to a height of 1–3 m (3–9 ft.) and, rarely, up to 6 m (18 ft.), with rough grey-brown bark. The leaves are opposite, usually simple but sometimes trifoliate with a basal pair of small leaflets, and range from 2–10 cm (1–4 in.) in length and, rarely, up to 15 cm (6 in.) long; the margin is serrated or entire.
The flowers are produced in the early spring before the leaves, bright yellow with a deeply four-lobed corolla, the petals joined only at the base. These become pendant in rainy weather thus shielding the reproductive parts.

It is widely stated that Forsythia's flowers are able to produce lactose (the milk sugar). Lactose is very rarely established in other natural sources except milk. However, the presence of lactose could not be confirmed. The actual fruit is a dry capsule, containing several winged seeds.

For those of you who love gardening activities, Forsythia is one of the types of plants that are suitable for that activity. Beautiful flower color and shape so well suited as a park or garden Landscape at home.

Characteristics of Forsythia shrubs including tree that can grow very quickly, can reach 2 feet per year. So, the treatment more easily and does not require a very high attention. The most important when dry season coming, watering should be sufficient. And provision of adequate fertilizer a year early spring, in order to produce lots of flowers who use high levels of phosphorus fertilizer. As for the use insecticides or fungicides only when needed.

Forsythia can used as a hedge
Forsythia can also be used as a hedge if you have a yard wide, or can also be allowed to become Forsythia plants shade because it has the form of branches and twigs that blooms when properly taken care of. Cutting is done to establish new branches. So that it will accelerate its growth. In addition, the cutting is done also to create a pattern or shape of the plant that we want.

Can also as an ornamental plant in the room, is by cutting a few branches of Forsythia and place them in vases. Wait a few weeks, a branch of this plant will bloom, golden yellow blooms. 

1 comment :

  1. At Reiman Gardens there is a rare yellow Magnolia tree that has been beautiful as well. forsythia for sale
